Friday, April 10, 2020

Reflecting on Eternity during lock-down

The whole world is in lock down fearing a virus and hopes of several people are dwindling hearing the news coming from all over the world. Most of them are optimistic that a vaccine will be found and things will get back to normal meaning how it was before. However, the fact is, things are not going back to normal at least for a few years. Many have started to understand the reality that shutting down the economy completely for several days comes with a bigger price: recession, mental health issues, domestic violence, financial collapse and many others.

On this Saturday as I am reflecting on the message of Good Friday, I would appreciate anyone reading this would take time to reflect on your response to your own mortality in this time of crisis.
A Message from the life of my son Gladson Robin

I had previously shared this video of Pas. Robin Xavier and his wife Sis. Jessy Robin sharing their hope in Christ to this world just days after death separated their dear son Gladson (7 years) on 30 March 2020. For the sake of those who cannot understand Malayalam I would like to provide a gist of this message. If you can understand Malayalam but haven’t watched this video, please spend some time to see this as none of you have an excuse that you don’t have time.

Gladson was down with fever on March 15th and his mum had taken him to the hospital. Pas. Robin who was ministering in Malaysia returned on March 17th but due to the Covid 19 quarantine requirements, he was advised to go through the government isolation process for 14 days. During this time period, Gladson had 5 x blood tests done, 4 x Xrays, Sonography, cough test, urine test, Echo and 2 x Covid 19 tests just to find out the reason for his sickness in 4 x different hospitals. He tested negative for Malaria, Pneumonia, Typhoid, Dengue, Covid 19 and Tuberculosis but developed a chest pain on March 30, and within matter of minutes he went to be with the Lord. The doctors never knew the reason for his sudden demise and they didn’t get a chance to put him in ventilator either.

This sudden loss obviously shook the Pastor and his family. He mentions how there were continuous prayer offered when Gladson was sick and even after he died asking God to raise him up. There were too many questions as to why God would allow this to happen and not raise this child up and the pastor shares his heart on how this on how it makes sense amidst their grieving process.

Firstly, he had a vision as he was praying for Gladson to be raised from the dead where Gladson was walking with angels and turned back to his dad said that he is going to be with Jesus and he doesn’t want to come back and to take care of his mum and his baby brother. God spoke to him and said that if Gladson wanted to come back, I would have let him back. It made sense to him as to why anyone who have experienced the joy, peace and safety of heaven wanted to come back. God reminded him of how the prophecy on his wife that was told to her even before she was married as to how God will use her mightily from her 34th year.

God then took him back to reflect on the series of messages he had been sharing since December 2019 about ‘Seasons in life’. Jesus had to go through certain seasons in life from being in the wilderness for 40 days and being tempted by Satan who left him for a season and came back several times after that. Even before going to the cross Jesus who is God incarnate but lived a 100% human life grieved before he went to the cross but with assurance confessed that He came to this world for that particular reason.
John 12:23-33
With the story of Jonah, God was bringing redemption to the nation of Nineveh. God reminded how this lock-down is equivalent to Jonah’s prayer from inside of the fish 3 days and 3 nights and how it was important for children of God to surrender themselves, pray and preach the gospel to the dying world that is locked down in fear.

God comforted him through the messages that he had already spoken to him about and through many other confirmations he reminded how Gladson has been used as a seed and how his life would touch the hearts of many.

John 12:23-24
24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much [a]grain. 25 He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
He shares how Gladson was a charming boy who brought so much joy to everyone around him. He was intelligent and could grasp things easily but wasn’t interested in writing. He didn’t want to go to school but as all parents, how they wanted him to fit into the standard of this world.

All that the parents want for their children is to give them a good life, good education that will help them get good job, find a good partner and have blessed children. However, if the very life of that child is cut short, what hope is there beyond that? After this separation God has changed his perspective on how not to be bound by the standards and systems of this world but to live and raise kids in God’s way which is more important. Gladson has gone to be with the Lord and our aim has to join him eternally. Not only our family but all our near and dear ones.

With so many uncertainties at present and much more ahead of us, we can be rest assured that our Lord is going to come very soon and the primary reason for our living is to live a life worthy of Christ and be with Him eternally. Whatever we earn or seek in this world have to be left in this world when that happens so let us be vigilant and prepared.

As I pray for Pas. Robin and family, I would invite you to pray for them and to reflect on your life and answer these questions honestly in your hearts.
Origin - Where did I come from?
Meaning - What is the purpose of my life?
Morality How do I differentiate between good and bad?
Destiny - What happens when I die?
If you don’t know the answer, seek for it.

As @RaviZacharias points out
We live with deep hungers within the human heart:

The hunger for truth, as lies proliferate.
The hunger for love, as we see hate ruling the day.
The hunger for justice, as we see injustice mocking the law.
The hunger for forgiveness, when we ourselves fail and stumble.
There is only one place in the world where these hungers converge: it is in the Cross of Christ, where perfect love and perfect justice became united in one death on a Friday afternoon. #GoodFriday
This might be a long post, but it is a timely post and I believe at least a few of you will take time to reflect on your own mortality in these testing times and start your life with a living hope beyond this world and death from this day.

Hebrews 12 : 1 -2 - The Race of Faith
12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
God bless you all!


  1. Thanks for sharing the message. Appreciate it.

  2. Amen..God bless
    Your life is a great testimony to the world dear gladson mon.

  3. He is an inspiration now to focus on Eternal life. Thank you sister Jeya Stanley for all the efforts to to write this blog. God bless you. Let it be a blessing for many.

  4. Really Blessed, may God bless you 🙏

  5. Psalm 30:11 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness…”
