Thursday, June 27, 2019

Persecution in the West - Israel is Me!!

The hypocrisy and hatred towards Israel Folau is so daunting. It is ridiculous to see people who haven’t read the Bible quoting from random verses from the Bible completely out of context, demanding to support the poor and needy or a noble cause, starting new fundraising campaign just because they don’t approve of Israel’s campaign and much more. The news media has added enough fuel to the fire and the charity watchdog wants to now monitor Australian Christian Lobby.

I come from India where the persecution of Christians has skyrocketed in the recent years. One century ago my ancestors came to the saving knowledge of Christ and became Christians. The impact of the mission work in India by missionaries from places that hold the Judeo-Christian world-view has changed India forever. It has been 11 years I have lived in Australia and I can see that Christianity is now smeared at and Christians excluded and ridiculed in almost all areas. So, the problem isn’t just this particular issue. Anything and everything a Christian say is not tolerated anymore in this country that was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Ravi Zacharias ( when asked about his view on homosexuality explains it beautifully. Please take time to watch the video or the entire article.

There are 3 cultures in relation to absolute:

Theonomous culture: governed by God; subject to God’s authority. — Everyone hold the same morals, all laws are self evident and ingrained in the heart

Heteronomous culture: Mainstream of the culture is dictated by the leadership at the top — e.g. Marxism, Islam (In truly Islamic countries: The Mulahs or the Shakes dictate when they must fast or when they can eat, or who they can be seen with and who they cannot be seen with; how to wash their hands and feet, etc.

Autonomous culture: Self Law, each person determines their own moral prerogative

Of these 3 cultures mentioned, we are indeed living in a Autonomous culture. Ravi concludes:

“Now tell me this, if we are autonomous culture, and I answer your question, are you going to give me the privilege of my autonomy too. Or as soon as you disagree with my answer, you will switch to a heteronomous mode and dictate for me what I must believe as well.”

Autonomous cultures therefore tend to run into a conflict where everyone has their autonomy — that is the sociological issue.

The very tenets of Christianity are, all are sinners in front of the Holy God and none of us can be saved by our own good works. The focus of Christianity is on the Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. Apart from Him no one can be saved.

Now, this exclusive approach is the heart of all religions and world-views but only the Christian world-view gets a hit at all times. When a Christian shares his/faith, they don’t do it because they are self-righteous and better off than others but they are just extending the grace to those who are unaware of it. Their belief of heaven and hell is the reason they are passionate to reach out to everyone to warn them and take hold of the lifeline before the time is up. Sadly, whenever a Christian talk about morality, only the abuse in the Church is brought forth forgetting everything else. How come the same principle is not applied to others?

Please take time to read this article – “What happens when you die?”

It is almost impossible to find a workplace where cuss words are not used and Jesus’ name not used as a cuss word. This is something we cannot see in other religions or their gods. No one would dare to use Mohammed’s name a cuss word. Do you wonder why? Doesn’t it clearly prove that Christians are soft targets and they don’t retaliate like others?

Everyone has to make a choice on what they choose to believe and the wisest thing is to be fully convinced of their beliefs. For a person who doesn’t accept Jesus as his personal saviour, heaven or hell shouldn’t make any difference and he should be able to reject it as a cuss word and not blow it out of proportion. However, if he still wants to be a Christian but not willing to let go of the lifestyle God has laid out as sinful, then he is dishonest with himself regardless if he claims to be a professing Christian.

This film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality. Please take time to watch.

It is never about who wins the argument but how one stays true to their convictions and settles the matter within themselves.

"We are free to choose whatever we want to, but we don’t get to decide the consequences".